Travel Inspiration from the WSJ: Author Bruce Kirkby on Why Family Vacations Are Worth the Headaches

The Wall Street Journal ran an interesting article today on the rewards of traveling with kids.  Bruce Kirkby, a Canadian author and adventurous traveler described his trip from Canada across the Pacific on a container ship and on into Asia and the Indian subcontinent, all with 3 and 7 year old boys in tow. Clearly this guy Read More …

It all starts with a dream

A few years ago, we came across an article entitled “The Let’s-Sell-Our-House-and-See-the-World Retirement“.  In it we learned about two retirees who are spending their retirement living in furnished apartments in various countries around the world.  Some people may read this and think those people are insane.  We are not those people.  Instead, we thought that was Read More …