We’re actually doing this!!

We started this blog three years ago with a faraway plan to pull up our roots and travel the world as a family.  Until recently the plan felt like more of a dream than reality.  Work and day to day family life got in the way of blogging and travel planning, and we couldn’t really be sure that we were going to carry through on this crazy plan.

The dream has started to become a reality over the past few months.  Over Christmas we told our families about our plans.  A couple of weeks ago Annette formally told her company that she was planning to take a yearlong sabbatical.  We told the kids.  But the trip didn’t become really real until this week when we actually booked our plane tickets (we had been waiting on an awesome deal and we got one, but that will be the subject of a future post).

It’s official, we’re boarding a plane to Europe the first week of June.

Now that the flight is booked and there is a firm date on the calendar, the trip has gone from concept to a firm reality.

And there is a lot to do between now and June.

  • Wes has to tell his company, and hopefully negotiate a leave of abscence.
  • We have to figure out what we’re going to do with our house while we’re gone for a year.
  • We need to pare down our belongings and figure out where to store what we’re keeping.
  • We need to solidify our itinerary and start making bookings (especially for popular destinations in the summer high season).
  • We have to figure out a curriculum for the kids since we’ll be world schooling them for the next school year.
  • We have to pack!!

Despite all of the to-dos (not to mention our day jobs) between now and June, we’re giddy with excitement.  We’re all in, this trip is happening.  Stay tuned 🙂