Intrepid Girl

July 10th 2018 – Edinburgh

This is the work i have done for a few weeks.  I like your comments. Oh…. the answer the the previous riddle is a news paper. Get it? Ha ha ha…… happy reading!!

 Today we went to Camera Obscura….. World of Illusions!! It was amazing!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 You have got to go!!!!! Totally pawsome!! OMG!! Must put on to do list!!  Loved it!!  You can leave and get lunch.. and come back for free (only the day you paid)! if you go in the Vortex tunnel you fell like falling off… its ok!! In the mirror maze i kept bumping into stuff… ow.

Yesterday we went to the National Museum of Scotland. it has good things for kids.  Most is free, but you have to pay at the gift shop if you want a souvenir. We did not pay. The cafe is good. If you get a scone you can grab a cute jar of jam to go with it. I really enjoyed it.

June 27th – Orkney

Yesterday we went to the movies and watched Sherlock Gnomes. I loved it. The day before we saw a falcon show. It was super cool.  I want to go again some time. Did you know about a week ago i was standing in front of the tower in Paris!! it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big!!!! like 1,000,000,000 cats!!
So yesterday we got some shells! They are pretty. One day i will have kids and go to the beach monthly. My parents should do that. It sounds like fun to me.  I love the beach, but this one is really rocky and seaweedish.:p #ewpartyonthebeach!!
So, i like cats and dogs. I want to go on a roller coaster. AT LEGO LAND!!!!! We are going to Lego Land on this trip!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that!?!??!! And we will swim a lot!! We will have a great time!! I hope that WILL happen it will make us all happy.

June 25th – Orkney

Today i woke up to creaking. Lots of it. It was windy. No one is awake yet. Today is a nice looking day. I am very happy to write my blog posts for you. If you like you can ask a question in the comments an i will do a post to answer.
Yesterday i was on a ferry. There was nothing to do and i felt sick. You want to know what the thing was like? Ok, picture a airplane. Rows and rows of seats. On the other side there were sets or seats with tables between them. You could eat here but, there is a catch. You can only eat food from the boat!  Well, you had to buy it first. I have no idea where we are going today.

Dear all kids that read this blog: this section is all about the only girl in the family (I DO have a mom, I meant female kid), so, I can give riddles and draw pictures for you! Each week is going to be something different! I will also tell you all about my pawsome adventures!!

If you didn’t know, I LOVE ANIMALS!!!! Well, not ALL animals. There are some animals i don’t like.  So, what do you like? Add a comment to tell me! #youmattertoo.  I want to make every one feel important from now on.

So, i am 9. I love animals, my school is in Houston, and lots more. I want to know about you please.

Joke: whats black and white and read all over? See you next time!!

Dance video. Click to watch!!


1 thought on “Intrepid Girl”

  1. Your adventures sound really cool so far. How was Legoland? Did you ride a roller coaster? Sorry you felt sick on the ferry. Can’t wait to hear more fun adventures!!

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